Managing cash flow is stressful, not just for startups but also for small businesses that are operating in profit. Situations happen whereby you have 5k in the bank, 30k sales with the cost of 15k, but still you run out of cash!
Managing cashflow efficiently is all about getting paid on time; so timing is everything!
Life as a small business owner is way less stressful if your customers pay you faster and to do so you must invoice them faster!
If you really want to speed it up, must try ZipBooks, radically simple software to send and track your invoices instantly. You can access ZipBooks from desktop systems as well as mobile and can send invoices in seconds while being in the office, or on the way back to home!
The good thing is that it’s free! Yes, unlimited clients, users, and invoices, all for free. Besides that, they don’t put their logo on your invoices, either!
So the question is, how ZipBooks makes money!
ZipBooks software enables you to accept credit card payments with ease, so your customers can pay instantly. They are partnered with the payment processors and get a referral fee on transactions, but the transaction pricing of the processors remains market rate (i.e. accepting credit cards costs the standard 2.9% + $0.30/transaction).
If you do not use ZipBooks’s payment processing partners, the software is still 100% free!
ZipBooks in Their Own Words:
ZipBooks allows contractors and small businesses to send quotes and invoices to potential customers or paying clients. Create a project with ZipBooks and track the time, products, and expenses of your work. Once you are ready to send an invoice to a client, ZipBooks automatically detects unbilled activity and allows you to include any or all of the billing details.
You can customize the rate of each of your team members, whether to include an attached PDF, and even add your own logo to invoices. Because we make money if you use our credit card payment partners, ZipBooks is 100% free, forever. We will never spam you, show you ads, sell your information, or watermark your invoices.
What Brings ZipBooks to the Spotlight:
Faster invoicing for efficient cashflow management!
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