To establish a small business is very easy now. With the increase in credit facilities like Discovery Credit, small businesses sustain anyhow. But still, they have to face many challenges. Earlier people used to avoid small-scale businesses.
It was because of lack of the adequate platform for small-scale businesses. But now things have changed. Small businesses can compete with large businesses. It is because of many opportunities from financial perspective, i.e. getting your startup or small business funded today is way easier than 10 or 20 years ago and hopefully, it is going to be much smoother (if you have a great business idea with a foolproof business plan).
Well, here are 3 most prominent financial opportunities for startups and small businesses today that were not much mature a decade ago and these are certainly going to be better in the future.
1- Online loan facility
This is the staggering facility for small businesses. Now it is feasible for them to apply online. They get credit facilities at low-interest rates. Adequate deadline is given for the repayment of capital amount. Even the lenders fulfill the requirements early. This saves a lot of time and energy.
Now small businesses are getting many liberties. They can have the access to lines of credit. To get loans easily helps them to maintain the equity and control of their business. Now owners can pay back their personal finances separately. This is a boon for budding entrepreneurs.
2- Raising funds through crowdfunding
To arrange funds by issuing prospectus is a common notion. The companies need not go to banks for loans. Small businesses can quest for money from other companies.
Crowdfunding platforms play a major role in the corporate world. The companies can convince others to invest in their firm. Small businesses have direct links with customers. So they can easily convince public to invest money. It can be beneficial for them to improve the percentage of future revenue.
The business people can employ a separate team for raising funds. Their work is to educate users on the fundraising process. Rest people can focus on business operations and invest. It saves them to pay unnecessary interest on loan taken.
3- Invoice Factoring: a next-generation service
Invoice factoring refers to the process of raising funds through debts. It focuses more on outstanding invoices rather than a business’s credit history. In future, small businesses can raise a large sum of money from it. It is an advantageous way for them. It is a customer-oriented process.
Invoice Factoring is the function performed by an invoice factoring company. Their task is to take small business’s unpaid invoices. This helps small business a lot. They make sure that consumers clear their debts soon. Small businesses need not worry about finance. This is not less than an opportunity for small businesses.
4- Online Banking
Online banking facility has made things easier. It is known as future of finance in small business. Need urgent funds? Go for online banking. It is the easiest way to get money. Online banking gets funds on a single click. Now transferring and depositing money is very easy. This service helps users save money.
Small businesses can keep daily balance updates. It becomes easier for them to complete all dues regarding accounts, pay bills, and issue checks etc. This is helping small businesses to compete with large businesses. It is a boon for small business. Future amendments will definitely bring more opportunities for small businesses.
But it is not that easy for them to sustain. Day-to-day challenges keep on creating a problem for small businesses. Given are some of the challenges faced by small-scale businesses.
1- No aid from banks
Banks and other financial institutions are compelled to help large businesses. Traditional banks and financial institutions thus provide financial assistance to large business only. The small-scale businesses have to search for some other option to raise funds.
2- No aid from underwriters
Even small business cannot expect any help from underwriters. They generally get trapped in simple data-gathering issues. They check business’s revenue many times. They insist to know about credit and borrowing history. In case the past is not effective, small business will not get any help from underwriters.
3- No aid from money lenders
Small businesses cannot expect any help from moneylenders. They generally misuse owner’s personal credit risk. They always end up affecting symbol of the business’s risk. This is what makes small-scale business compete with large-scale businesses.
The Bottom Line:
The business environment is not fixed. It keeps on changing and changing. With changing time, it is going to be positive for future.