Formwork panels are the most necessary elements in the process of monolithic construction. Thanks to these building forms and mewp hire, the necessary configuration is given to the liquid concrete mixture, from which walls, floors, bridges, columns, and other structures are erected.
Forms for pouring concrete are made mainly from weather-resistant plywood, metal, and plastic elements. There are several types of formwork panels for sale. Their choice is based on the specifics of the work, design features, and even climate features.
The main functions of formwork panels
Usually, the structure is assembled directly on the construction site, but sometimes, it is advisable to use ready-made forms. It all depends on the features and purpose of use:
- To provide the building with a design configuration;
- To save the established dimensions of the structure and its correct position in space;
- To form the required relief surface.
Therefore, panel formwork is necessary when pouring the foundation or erecting walls. With the help of shields of the right thickness, you can give the surface a certain slope, turns, and form intersections. Horizontal formwork panels are best suited for filling the ceiling or floor between the house floors.
The appropriate type of formwork is also used for the construction of elevators. In this case, builders pour concrete layer by layer, and after the concrete hardens, they reuse the shields, fixing them higher.
Technical requirements for formwork panels
Some shields are disposable and can be recycled or thrown away after use. Instead, reusable panels are more economical, which allows for a reduction in project costs. Such panels meet several technical requirements:
- Strength to withstand constant loads.
- Resistance to deformations because assembled structures should not change their shape or position in space after pouring concrete.
- Hermeticity, which prevents leakage of a liquid concrete mixture.
- Moisture resistance because the panel is constantly in contact with a wet surface.
You can order such formwork boards from CLT Rezult. Moreover, the company offers epal pallets for sale and other wooden products for construction and production. All products meet technical standards and have the appropriate certification, so you can be sure that you are choosing the best.