Do opinions matter?
Yes they do matter! In fact opinions determine the outcomes, i.e. opinions determine who the next president will be, what technology the next generation should have and so on!
Coming to a micro level, opinions determine where should you go for vacation, what gadget should you buy and where should you dine in and where not!
So, it’s very normal that we all need opinion in day to day life, let it be something personal or professional. Opinions are normally based on one’s social, economic and demographic makeup, so they may differ from country to country and even city to city.
Whether you want to launch a new product or looking to attract people’s attention towards an important social issue, taking other people’s opinion is always a great way to do the things in right way.
Though this can be done with social networks, but taking a broader audience into consideration gives you an edge and that’s what you can do with Factify; a smartphone application with a community formed by all races, cultures and beliefs.
Factify is a must use apps for journalists exploring the issues in cross cultures as well as for entrepreneurs looking to build something globally useful with a local touch. And of course for an individual looking for opinion on just anything!
Factify in Their Own Words:
We often find ourselves in need of an opinion, whether its about a concerning matter or a simple curiosity. Being able to have people give you their feedback can be a game changer, capable of opening the mind to new ideas and ways of thinking. Factify a A tool that cancels the distance between people and places, that aims to create a global mind composed and influenced by every person; capable of giving answers not from the point of view of an individual, but from the point of view of society as a whole.
What Brings Factify to the Spotlight:
To build an opinion is a necessity, to share it with the world is the opportunity and that’s what Factify does.
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