Is your business going to be holding a big event soon? Whether it’s a sale, an anniversary celebration, or some other kind of event, you should do your best to get the word out about it.
7 Common Event Advertising Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
There are so many ways in which you can do this successfully. You can send out emails about your event, put up social media posts about it, and go through the process of advertising events online through the use of a digital marketing strategy.
But no matter how you choose to promote different types of events, there are some event advertising mistakes you’ll want to avoid at all costs. These mistakes are almost always going to backfire on you and prevent you from connecting with those who you want to come to your event.
Take a look at seven common event advertising mistakes below and learn all about how to steer clear of them.
1. Getting a Late Start
If you know that your company has an event coming up in a few weeks or, better, a few months, you should try not to wait until the last minute to begin advertising it. It’s typically a good idea to start advertising an event well in advance so that you’re able to build up some awareness around it.
You don’t necessarily need to put the full-court press on and start advertising your event all over the place when your event is still months away. But you should let people know that it’s going to be happening and then slowly release new information about it over time.
If you don’t do this, you’re going to run the risk of people finding out about your event too late. It’ll stop at least some of them from being able to come to your event in the end.
2. Taking the Wrong Approach
As we alluded to earlier, there are tons of ways that you can promote an upcoming event. You can use everything from display advertising to social media marketing to educate people about your event and to provide them with details on it.
You shouldn’t be shy about exploring any and all avenues available to you. It’ll help you come up with the right approach for your advertisements for events.
3. Failing to Embrace Technology
In this day and age, it would be silly for you to not embrace technology when advertising events when it’s so readily available. Tech is often going to be the key to spreading the word about an event that you have on your calendar!
There isn’t anything wrong with using some physical forms of advertising, like billboards and other signs. But you should also wrap your arms around tech and let it do a lot of the dirty work for you as far as advertising an event is concerned.
You should build and develop a strong digital marketing strategy anytime you’re planning an event. From putting up social media posts about your event to shooting YouTube videos for it, there are so many opportunities for you to grab people’s attention through the use of tech.
4. Coming Up With the Wrong Messaging
One of the worst event advertising mistakes that you can make is running with the wrong messaging while putting it together. You’re going to scare some people off from attending your event if you don’t have the right messaging in place.
You should consider who you want to come to your event prior to putting together advertising messaging for it. You should then tailor your messaging to that specific audience to try and intrigue them. This is going to prove to be an effective way to get attention from the people that you want at your event the most.
5. Including Incorrect Details
Prior to launching an advertising campaign for an upcoming event, you should always, always, always check, double-check, and triple-check all of the details that you’re including in it. You might be surprised to see how many companies include incorrect dates, times, and locations in their event announcements.
You’re going to cause a whole lot of confusion if you include the wrong details in the messaging for your event advertising. You might also have people showing up for the event on a wrong day, at the wrong time, or in the wrong location.
6. Being Unresponsive to Questions and Concerns
Regardless of how clear you make the advertising for your event, there are inevitably going to be a few people who will have questions and concerns about it. You should make it easy enough for them to contact you with their questions and concerns.
You should also make it a point to get back to these people ASAP. It’ll give them the info that they need and make it more likely that they’ll go out and tell others about your event.
7. Slowing Up Too Soon
Once your event is on the brink of taking place, you might be tempted to slow down your advertising campaign. But the truth is that you shouldn’t do that until your event is literally on the verge of starting.
By promoting your event right up until the very end, you’ll be able to ensure that you did everything possible to get people to attend your event. You aren’t going to have any regrets or be left wondering if you made any event advertising mistakes.
Don’t Make Any of These Event Advertising Mistakes
Planning out an event on behalf of your business and seeing it through to the end can be tough. You’re going to be so busy that you might not put much thought into promoting the event.
You’ll be making one of the biggest event advertising mistakes if you do this. And you shouldn’t be surprised if no one comes to your event when you take this approach.
You should instead stay on top of advertising your event at all times. It’ll increase the chances of people coming out to your event and showing their support for your company.
Read more about how you can use technology to benefit your business the next time you’re holding an event by checking out the other articles on our blog.
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