Snoring is one of the most irritating things that you will experience in your life. Not only it disturbs your sleep but also causes great inconvenience to your partner. And, your overall health is compromised as a result of insufficient sleep.
Even though the market is flooded with many anti snoring products including masks, nose or mouth pieces but they lack comfort. Users rely on the use of these products just because they don’t have any other options available.
Silent Partner is an easy to wear smartpatch that provides a silent zone to the user and thus providing better and peaceful sleep to you and people around you.
The Active Noise Cancellation Technology that is being used by the smartpatch senses the snoring sounds and emits a counter sound thereby removing undesirable sound effects.
Its appealing and flexible design adapts to various shapes and sizes. Silent Partner makes use of hypo-allergic medical grade adhesive that ensures that the patch remains in its place throughout the sleep.
A must try to experience better sleep!
Silent Partner in Their Own Words:
Silent Partner is the first SmartPatch to quite snoring. It’s a light weight, compact and non-intrusive smartpatch that effectively tackles what other products don’t.
What Brings Silent Partner to the Spotlight:
It’s light weight yet comfortable, ensuring a sound sleep!
Silent Partner Website: