Giving is a good notion, regardless of what your income level is! According to some studies, spending money on others brings more happiness and inner peace than spending it on ourselves.
Well, at times it may feel a little crummy to realize that we don’t have much money to give away, however, it’s not always about money. There are plenty of ways to contribute and volunteering your time is the best form of charity.
Bringing a smile on someone’s face is the best deed, and this is how Elbi connects donors with the charitable causes. Elbi allows you to feel good by letting your digital creativity bring smiles on the faces going through tough times.
You can do an act of kindness simply by painting pictures on your phone to decorate children’s wards, making micro-donations directly to causes and drawing the alphabet for little ones learning to read and write everywhere.
It’s just awesome to know that a few minutes of yours can make someone’s day. Volunteer your time to a good cause and let the happiness flow everywhere!
Elbi in Their Own Words:
Elbi empowers you to make a difference in minutes to people all over the world. How? By uniting you with charitable projects that need your digital creativity. Elbi wants to drive a new generation of supporters to charities by making it easy for them to do small charitable acts in minutes using their phone.
What Brings Elbi to the Spotlight:
By enabling people to use their digital creativity for charitable causes, Elbi makes charity easier and affordable to everyone.
Elbi Website: