E-commerce was growing fast before COVID-19 changed everything. Since March 2020, Americans spent more than $1.7 trillion online. That’s more than $600 billion than 2018 and 2019 combined.
The exponential growth of e-commerce changed how people shop before they make a purchase. That’s because of the influence of social media.
The impact of social media on e-commerce continues to change and evolve. What does this relationship look like now and how will e-commerce and social media look in the future?
You might not have a crystal ball, but you can keep reading to discover the ties between social media and online shopping and what it looks like in the future.
The Connection Between E-commerce and Social Media
The impact of social media on e-commerce happens throughout the customer journey. At each stage of the buying cycle, social media has great power and influence.
Think of how people use social media. They are on mobile devices, scrolling through their feeds. They come across a post or an ad that gets their attention.
That’s how they first become aware of your brand. After a few repeated exposures, they check out your profile and learn more about your company.
They like what they see, so they follow your brand’s social accounts. They’re not ready to make a purchase, but they’re interested.
In the meantime, they consume your content.
When they are ready to make a purchase, they’ll consider your brand. They’ll read comments and reviews from other customers. They’ll then visit your website and make a purchase.
How to Bring E-Commerce and Social Media Together
How can your brand benefit from the relationship between e-commerce and social media? Map out your customer’s journey.
Look for ways to bring your brand experience to social media channels. It doesn’t mean that you hit them with one product post after another.
Your job is to bring value to your audience. Use the social media channels that your audience uses the most.
Understand the needs of your audience and how your brand improves their lives. Create content around those reasons.
If you struggle with this part of the equation, you could benefit from this service and other social media service providers like it.
The Future of E-commerce Is Social Media
Social media networks are public companies. They have to consider profits and quarterly results before anything else.
They know that more people are comfortable buying online. They want to keep users on their networks instead of having them leave to make purchases.
They’re rolling out social shopping. E-commerce businesses can create shops within social media platforms so people can buy without leaving the platform.
The Impact of Social Media on E-Commerce
Social media is a powerful tool to connect with customers all over the world. The connection between e-commerce and social media is undeniable.
You can leverage social media at each stage of the buyer’s journey and improve your sales. Just make sure that your content always provides value to your audience.
If you enjoyed learning about social media and e-commerce, you’ll enjoy the other articles on the blog. Check them out today!
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