Design magazines give us countless ideas about how to improve our homes and offices. For this, we’d use magazines for inspiration because they give us countless ideas about how to improve our living spaces.
List of 25 Design Magazines That Pay Freelance Writers
If you’re someone who is full of creative ideas and has information to share that could help you to earn some extra cash, these magazines might be perfect for you to read.
1. Boulevard Magazine
Pay: 30 cents per word
This is a British Columbia-based publication that is 25 years old. The publication captures the Canadian lifestyle through the people, design, and architecture of the place.
They also have an editorial calendar, so you’re expected to be familiar with the contents of their magazines before sending them in.
2. Bead & Button Magazine
Pay: unspecified
This book focuses on the history and techniques of bead-making. It prefers pitches and queries before full manuscripts.
They have additional submission guidelines which we’d recommend you read carefully.
3. Fine Woodworking
Pay: $150
It’s a monthly magazine for people who enjoy woodworking. They publish content about the basics of using hand and power saws, making their own hand and power saws from scratch, designing their own hand and power saws, about designing and constructing custom woodshop equipment, and so on.
Furthermore, they prefer pitches before full manuscripts. They have quite specific submission requirements. We’d recommend you read their submission guide thoroughly.
Also, you would receive the payment upon acceptance.
4. Bond America
It includes two pages of short (800-word) pieces of writing.
Additionally, we’d recommend you read their submission guidelines carefully.
5. Crochet World Magazine
It provides instructions for different types of crochet projects.
You’d get paid for publishing an article within 45 business days after its publication date.
6. Est Magazine
This magazine focuses on interior design, both for private and commercial purposes. They’re looking for short pitches before full submissions. They want pieces under 300 words.
You’re expected to be familiar with the content of the publication before sending it in.
7. Knitty
Pay: $150-200
A lively knitting publication invites submissions from knitters. It publishes thematic issues every month.
You would get paid for publishing an article.
8. Twist Collective
An independent online knitting publication that accepts professional designs and submissions.
Additionally, we ask you to read their submission rules carefully.
9. Luxe Daily
It’s an interior decorating publication that invites writers to submit their own original articles.
You’re also required to be familiar with the content of the publication before submitting an article.
10. Threads
It’s an annual publication for people who sew, knit, crochet, quilt, embroider, embellish, fit, finish, etc. They publish articles about dressmaking, sewing, knitting, crocheting, quilting, embroidering, embellishing, finishing, etc.
They also expect questions and pitches before completing their submission. Furthermore, they pay after publication.
11. Generation Q Magazine
This magazine publishes articles about a variety of topics related to quilting. They don’t accept unsolicited submissions.
12. Mississippi Magazine
Pay: $350
It’s a monthly publication that focuses on different topics related to the state. Writers are invited to submit their articles for consideration. Complete manuscripts must be submitted prior to publication.
You’d get paid for each time someone reads your content.
13. Quilters Newsletter
Quilters Magazine provides useful tips for beginning quilters and experienced ones alike. They cover topics ranging from quilt design to technique.
Also, Read: Top 12 Environment Magazines That Pay Freelance Writers
14. Eye Magazine
This is an online magazine for graphic designers who expect submissions before they’re completely finished.
If you want to know more, please visit our website.
15. Icon Magazine
This magazine caters to design and architecture. They prefer queries before complete submissions in order to get a commissioned article.
Furthermore, we’d ask you to visit our website for further information.
16. FX Magazine
This magazine covers the professional aspects of interior design, including office interiors, hotel interiors, etc.
Furthermore, we’d ask you to visit our website for additional information.
17. Blueprint Magazine
This was the first bimonthly publication that crossed the boundaries between graphic design and architecture. It prefers queries before full proposals.
Additionally, we would request you to go through the website for further information.
18. Design Magazine
It’s published by an Italian company. They focus on content about design and art.
19. American Craft Council
This book focuses on design decisions within everyday life that work for people both personally and commercially. It invites freelance writers who have creative clarity and insights.
They also accept pitches before full submissions. And they have detailed instructions for submitting content. We’d recommend you read them carefully.
20. Sew News
Pay: $50-500
It’s a magazine for sewing enthusiasts. They publish an array of topics related to sewing, including techniques, current trends, and fashions. They also cover topics related to interior decoration, machine embroidery, and embellishments, etc.
Moreover, they welcome pitches for ideas before completing manuscripts. They offer detailed guidelines for submissions. We recommend you read them carefully.
21. McCall’s Quilting
Pay: $400
This publication focuses on quilt patterns. It invites designs that are suitable for beginners and experts alike.
22. Green Building & Design Magazine
Before pitching, familiarize yourself with the contents of the site.
They would also suggest you read the media kit and the editorial calendar before sending out pitches.
23. Dwell
This magazine caters to architecture and design, specifically concerning home decor. We would suggest you read through the attached link of the article that explains how you must pitch articles for this magazine.
Before sending out any pitches, familiarize yourself with their content.
24. Home and Cabin
This magazine covers topics related to the design and construction of homes and cabinets in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
They want queries before full manuscripts.
25. Canadian Gardening
Pay: $350 ( Canadian)
It’s a Canadian magazine for gardeners who want to pitch their ideas. You can submit them too!
They want articles to be between 1,500 and 2,000 words long. Once accepted, you’ll get paid after publication.
Check: How to start a blog and make money
Design magazines are an important source of information about design and architecture. Therefore, it requires informative and well-researched articles that would help the readers of these design magazines.
If you’ve found this post useful, we hope that it helps you to find the right magazine to publish your submission.
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