Even the most organized of people are guilty of cluttering their homes with things they don’t necessarily need.
Organizing Your Space: 7 Decluttering Tips for Seniors
Over years, it’s easy to collect things that have anything from sentimental value to no value at all.
As you get older, it becomes even more difficult to declutter. Not only because you accumulate many things but also because decluttering is a physically demanding job. However, the more clutter you collect, the more dangerous your space can become.
If you’re worried about falling over furniture or other items in your home, it could be time to get some help with decluttering.
Take a look at these great decluttering tips for seniors and put them to good use.
1. Ask for Help
Decluttering can be a big task and it isn’t one you should do without help. Help can come in many forms, whether you need someone to do the heavy lifting or someone to support you emotionally.
If you ask your children to help, it could be a huge relief for them, rather than an inconvenience.
When parents pass away, many children are left with the job of decluttering a home anyway. This way, you can go through your possessions together and you’ll often find your bond grows stronger because of it.
2. Think Positively
When you’re decluttering your home, it can come with negative feelings. After all, some of these items may have been in your home for a long time and you may have grown used to them being there.
We’re all guilty of forming attachments to material possessions and that’s why it makes it so difficult to part from them.
When you’re ready to take the leap and start decluttering, try and keep a positive attitude. Remember why you’re doing this and think about all the benefits your new space will come with.
3. Store vs Donate
If you’re torn between storing your items or getting rid of them, one of the best ways to decide is to have them evaluated.
It may not come as a surprise that many items that have been kept for decades can be valuable. You don’t want to throw away something that could potentially bring in a lot of money.
Get in touch with someone qualified to appraise items and sort your items into two piles. Even if you’re not ready to sell items that are valuable, you can store them until you feel the time is right. Take a look at this company for your storage needs.
4. Pace Yourself
Whether you’re decluttering one room or the whole house, it’s a physically and emotionally demanding job. It’s important to pace yourself when undertaking a task like this so you don’t overdo it.
It’s recommended that you do no more than three hours of decluttering a day. Once you reach the three-hour mark, try and be strict on yourself and put things down until the next time you have time to pick them back up.
5. Sentimental Items
Decluttering sentimental items can be very difficult. You may come across items that bring back memories, make you happy or remind you of someone.
You may not want to keep these items but it could be difficult to get rid of them at the same time.
Put these items to the side and leave them until last. As you go through the process of decluttering, it will become easier to decide what to do with items.
By the time you reach your sentimental items, you’ll have done enough to know what to do with them.
6. Get in the Habit
Clutter is something that never ends. You could spend days decluttering your home but if you don’t get into the habit of decluttering regularly, you could be in the same position a few months or years down the line.
It’s important to remember to keep up with decluttering. Take what you’ve learned and apply it to decluttering your home at least three times a year.
7. Create a Schedule
You’ll need some help decluttering your home, so it’s a good idea to create a schedule each time you do it. Find out when your family and friends are available to help you and schedule three-hour time slots for as long as you think it may take you.
If it’s a big job, schedule in days off so you have a chance to rest in between and regain some strength and energy.
A schedule can also allow you to book slots at your local waste and recycling areas if you need to and arrange transport to get your items there. Similarly, if you are donating goods, you can arrange for a family member to drop them off at your chosen charity.
Decluttering Tips for Seniors: Don’t Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself
When reading through decluttering tips for seniors, it can feel like a massive amount of pressure before you even get started. For many people, decluttering can take its toll, so be sure not to put yourself under too much pressure.
Go at a pace you’re comfortable with and if an item makes you happy, don’t feel you have to explain yourself when you keep it. Decluttering aims to give you a better quality of life, so think about what you want to achieve from it.
Take a look at more of our articles for easy ways to get things done.
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