Whether you are you a professional blogger or marketer who is raking in cash by churning out tons of great content or else your business has tons of big data; sharing information is always a great way to increase the outreach of your brand.
So if you’re the one with readily available shareable information, why not teach others how to do stuff simply by creating your very own video tutorials.
Even if you feel that’s a bit outside your skillset, the truth is that it’s really easy to do so with the right software which is Movavi Screen Capture Studio.
How to Create a Video Tutorial
To create a video tutorial full of blogging tips, the best method is to capture the footage that you need with screen capture. Essentially screen capture will let you record video footage directly from your screen – which is perfect for a blogging tutorial since you can ‘show’ people what you’re asking them to do on your screen.
While you might not have tried to use screen capture in the past, the Movavi Screen Capture Studio will make it easy. In fact, to capture the video that you need all you need to do is:
- Select the ‘Capture Screen’ option.
- Positioning the capture frame over the area that you want to record or choose a preset size.
- Choose the audio source – which should probably be microphone so that you can talk and provide instructions to go along with your tutorial.
- Decide whether or not you want it to capture keyboard and mouse actions.
- Start recording by clicking ‘REC’.
- Stop recording when you’re done and save it using one of the presets available.
Of course that’s just the basics but it should allow you to create a simple video tutorial about blogging. If you like you can explore the other features of the Movavi Screen Capture Studio and use them to make it look more professional, such as:
- Cutting and combining video segments to get rid of footage that you don’t need, and add in new footage that you can record later.
- Enhancing the video quality to improve how it looks.
- Adding filters and special effects to alter its appearance.
- Inserting background music or other audio tracks.
- Using customizable text to create captions, subtitles, or any other text elements.
As you can see, there are tons of options available to you – and that’s all that you need to learn how to make a tutorial. Go ahead and get started making your video guide full of blogging tips now – it shouldn’t take you long to come to grips with the Movavi Screen Capture Studio and use it to great effect.