It’s easy to assume that just because an employee is passionate about their work, they’re also passionate about the business they work for. In reality, many skilled workers would be happy to perform the same job for any business as long as they feel fulfilled. If you’re starting a new business and want to create a loyal workforce with employees who value both your company and their roles within it, you might like to take some of the following actions.
Start From Day One
Positive first impressions are essential, so consider creative employee onboarding techniques for giving your employees an excellent start to their new careers in your business. Once you get the critical tasks out of the way, such as health and safety and other paperwork, you can jump into onboarding activities that lay a strong foundation for an engaged and connected workforce.
Try icebreaker activities that encourage new employees to talk about where they’re from, their families, and their hobbies. You might even try games like human bingo to help everyone get to know each other and a shared lunch to foster positive relationships between all staff members.
Prioritize Training and Development
A loyal workforce can sometimes be one that feels like you care about them and their future with your business. If employees feel like they’re stagnating in their roles with no options for advancement, they might start looking at employment opportunities with other companies that will offer them what they can’t or won’t.
If you were to offer ongoing training and development opportunities, you might notice improved staff retention and satisfaction. Rather than simply seeing your team’s potential, grow it. Not only can employees feel more satisfied when you invest in them, but you may benefit from a far more skilled and qualified team that helps your bottom line.
Be Open and Honest
Many business owners describe their workplaces as families. Families communicate and share important information with each other, so if you’re not doing that, now might be the right time to start. Honesty in the workplace demonstrates trust and also promotes a transparent environment. Openness and honesty start from the top, so when you inform your employees about important business happenings, you might benefit from a more open and honest workforce in return.
Don’t Forget Perks
You might offer a competitive salary to get new employees through the door, but don’t underestimate the importance of perks to retain them in the future. You might assume that perks are a cost you can’t afford as a startup business, but you might be surprised by how cost-effective they can be.
For example, if your business could operate from anywhere in the world, consider offering your team the option to work remotely. They are bound to appreciate not having to commute, and you might enjoy increased productivity from a much happier team.
Other perks might include staff discounts on products and services, health insurance, stock options, and gym memberships to promote health and well-being. The more incentives you offer, the more valued your team might feel.
Don’t Ignore Concerns
No business owner ever wants to hear that their team is unhappy, but it happens. Some employees might not get along, or they might have problems with some of your business decisions. In any situation like this, it’s essential to address all concerns brought to your attention.
Consider mediation between employees who aren’t working together well, and take corrective actions like assigning them to work on separate projects. If employees aren’t satisfied with other workplace problems, do your best to address them, and keep them updated on your progress. If you aren’t able to correct the issues they’ve been having, explain your reasoning to avoid further dissatisfaction.
Show Your Appreciation
You might have started a business independently, but the team you hired likely contributed to your success. Don’t forget to show your workers how much you appreciate them for that.
Provide work-based privileges, recognize employees in newsletters and on social media, and even consider creating recognition awards and incentive programs that show your team their work means something. When your employees feel appreciated, they might be more likely to reward you with many years of faithful service.
A loyal workforce isn’t guaranteed simply by providing people with jobs and regular paychecks. Whether you’re a small business owner or the manager of a large corporation, you often have to do more. Create a loyal workforce from day one by taking some of the actions above. You might then have more confidence in your staff retention rates remaining steady.