Content marketing is one of the most important techniques every startup marketer should be well aware of. Once, content was just about search engine rankings, but in today’s marketing panorama content is the backbone of any marketing strategy.
So, whatever your marketing goals are, you’ll have to follow the content oriented approach and make sure you have the top notch content for all your marketing campaigns.
Many times, the businesses put a great deal of effort into developing the website and running it, but they usually fail because of poor content, i.e. their content is not convincing enough to convert visitors into customers.
This article will discuss the basics of content marketing, i.e. how to develop high quality content. Here are five tips to follow:
Tips for Developing High Quality Content
1- Entertaining and Informative:
Entertainment converts more!
So, the first thing to consider when devising the content plan is to make sure you have entertaining and informative ideas. If your content is not informative, the reader will not find it interesting. Moreover, if the content is not entertaining, the reader will find reading/watching boring.
Few of the best ways to find the entertainment element for your content are to watch entertainment videos, read interesting articles, brainstorm and ask relevant people about what type of content they want to consume.
2- Engagement
Whether it’s a blog post, a social media post, a short video, infographic, image or any other type of content, if it doesn’t engage the user, it won’t convert!
The best way to create engaging content is to understand your audience and develop content for a particular community. If, for example, if you are selling shoes online, an interesting read about the history of footwear fashion or a video about famous celebrities in certain shoes is a great way to get people engaged.
Social Media content stays temporarily, while the blog/website stays longer, however, the difference that content engagement creates a ripple effect both in the short run as well as in the long run.
3- Editorial Calendar
Editorial calendar is very much like a content plan, i.e. how much content you need to create and for which platform.
You can not only stay ahead of the deadlines with an editorial calendar, but can easily track content and measure performance easily.
4- Being Original
What makes your business different from the competition should be the theme of your content. Originality in any type of work is the key to success and so is the case with content development.
There can be tens of ways to be unique and various tools like this online free plagiarism checker can significantly help to make sure your content is truly unique.
5- Consistency
Your marketing is very much dependent on managing the content you post. If you post high-quality content once a while but don’t have the consistency, you are less likely to achieve long term success.
the editorial calendar can be quite helpful in managing the consistency, but you must also make sure consistency in all the factors, i.e. same content developer for certain topics, same patterns for certain type of content and so on.
6- Focus More on Rich Media Content
With the increased use of mobile internet, rich media content is outnumbering the text content in terms of popularity. Visuals are even a great way to enhance the reader’s impression in your blog posts and website.
Text content is an important SEO factor, but you must not just focus on writing articles as a part of content marketing, rather have a holistic content marketing approach.
7- Authenticity
Content based on real life examples, stats and references creates bigger impact than the one without these. That’s how infographics based on real life issues are gaining traction.
Moreover, if you follow some of the famous blogs, you will notice, how well their content is crafted, i.e. with citations and links to relevant sources.
The Bottom Line:
Developing quality content is the key to success for any marketing strategy, and it’s not easy too. However, with the above tips, I am sure, you will find a way to get started!