Countless individuals wish to own a business. Many of these people choose to open an auto repair shop, as they love working with cars. However, they don’t know how to market the business and let drivers know the shop can be of help when something goes wrong with a vehicle.
Without this type of marketing, their venture will never flourish. Getting the word out doesn’t have to be difficult. The following tips become of great help as you share your company information with others.
Social Networks
Billions of individuals across the globe visit social media networks every day, and quite a few of these men and women are in your local area. Use the networks to reach out to them and let them know about your services.
New people join the networks every day, and people no longer remain in the same city or town their entire lives. With the help of these networks, you can gain new customers regularly.
Use the networks to satisfy existing customers as well. Share informative material with them that will keep their car ownership costs low or advertise a promotion solely for those who follow the business on these sites.
Regularly engage with customers on these sites, and use them to get feedback from those who have used your services. Doing so shows where improvements need to be made and what the company is doing right. Learn more about using social networks to advertise your auto repair shop over at UpSwell.
The website often introduces a consumer to a business. Make certain the site shows what the company is about, its mission and values, and more. Although social networks remain of great benefit to companies, business owners find they have more control over their website, its layout, page flow, and more.
They deliver the desired message in a way the owner feels comfortable with rather than what is dictated by the social network owner.
The site should include information on the services offered while delivering value to the visitor. Include a blog that shares car care tips or how-to videos, and update it regularly.
Companies that do so find drivers return to the site even when they don’t need work done on their cars simply to see what is new on the blog.
Paid Advertising
Paid ads allow more customers to find the auto repair shop because they appear at the top of the search engine results page. Customers in need of a new mechanic often turn to the internet first to see who is available in their area.
The paid ad is one of the first things they see when the search engine provides the requested results. Take advantage of this and alert more people to your company by spending on digital ads.
Video Marketing
Use YouTube to promote your business. Delivering relevant information to drivers using video helps to build credibility. Viewers engage with the brand when they watch the videos.
They learn about services offered at the auto repair shop and get a better feel for the owner and employees when doing so. They feel confident knowing the person working on their car has experience.
Local SEO
Many business owners fail to claim their Google My Business page and miss out on customers. Local SEO helps to boost the shop’s online visibility when someone searches for the services offered by the shop. Strive to land in one of the top three spots in the search engine results, as this drives more business to your shop.
Every auto repair shop needs a blog. Posts on the blog should focus on how to keep a car in good running shape. Share with drivers how to maintain their vehicle and when to take it to the shop.
The post doesn’t need to be very long to produce great results, and the shop owner or an employee can do the writing. If outside help is needed, many freelancers offer their services and will create a blog post that helps get the shop noticed.
Pricing Transparency
Auto shops must offer competitive prices to have drivers return when they need work done to the car. Aim for small profits from more cars rather than pricing your services higher and working on fewer automobiles. Competitive prices lead to new customers as well as returning ones.
In contrast, high prices will have a driver looking elsewhere when they need work done on their vehicle. They will also let friends and family know the prices are too high at the facility.
Pricing on various services should always be transparent. Let the customer know before any work is done what services will be performed, what parts will be replaced, and how much this will cost.
Explain any shop fees or other charges they will see on their bill. Honesty and transparency go a long way toward keeping customers satisfied.
Service Reminders
Life is busy, and it is easy for a person to forget scheduled maintenance for their car. Help them remember when they need to pay a visit to the shop by sending service reminders.
The reminders may come in the form of an email or a customer might ask the shop to send text messages. People appreciate having options, so offer different ways to receive these reminders and keep everyone happy.
Text Messages
Texts can be used for more than sending service reminders. Update a customer on the status of their vehicle repair using text or let them know when the work is done and the car is ready to be picked up.
The use of this technology comes at a low cost and provides a great return on investment. Open communication builds trust, and texting serves as an easy way to keep the lines of communication open.
Begin using these marketing techniques in your auto repair shop today. Once you see how effective they are, you’ll want to implement more new strategies.
However, be prepared to hire new employees to handle the incoming work. You don’t want to disappoint your customers by not being able to fix their cars in a timely manner.
That’s exactly what could happen when these marketing techniques work. You’ll have more business than you can handle, which is always a good thing, and it will be up to you to find the staff to complete the jobs.
Every owner loves having this much work.
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