Any business that operates in the retail industry needs processes that are efficient in providing the best experience for their customers.
Retail Management System and Why Does Your Business Need It
From the quality of customer support that your employees provide to the level of satisfaction that the customers have when it comes to selling the products or services that are available.
The better your customer experience is within a retail company, the more of an impact it can have on the success and growth of the business.
According to Oracle, 86% of customers would be willing to pay more for a better customer experience. Creating brand loyalty is important, especially within retail because the more loyal your customers are, the more likely they’ll weather any storms your company goes through.
Having the right system in place to help with all of this is critical and that’s why many businesses are turning their attention towards a retail management system.
There are many different companies that provide these systems and so it’s important to do your research into some of the most popular. In this article, we’ll explore what a retail management system is and why your business needs it.
What Is a Retail Management System
A retail management system is a system that brings all the business tools together in order to support the operation of a retail store.
By doing so, it helps streamline a lot of processes that might be holding back a business from being more efficient in what they’re doing.
Some popular companies that sell these retail management systems include LightSpeed, Odoo, and NetSuite to name but a few.
They all operate in a similar way but some may have more features available than others as well as differences in cost and integration capabilities.
Regardless of which one you go for, the benefits of a retail management system can certainly be useful.
Not only do they help streamline your work processes but they can help you identify issues with stock, track sales, and provide automation for some tasks too.
Streamlining your business processes can help with so much according to Bizfluent. From faster response times to better financial performance, it all helps provide a top-quality experience for your customers.
The Benefits of Having One for Your Business
So why should your retail business need and want any type of management system? Like all financial decisions in business, it’s important to understand how implementing this system can help benefit it and ultimately provide a return of investment. What is inventory management system?
Let’s look at some of these benefits – of which there are many – that can help you make a more informed decision on a retail management system.
Better Productivity for All
When you streamline your business process, what tends to happen as a result of that is better productivity. Why? Well because your employees have more free time when tasks only take half as long as they originally did.
It means that your staff has that extra time to do other tasks that might not have been done to the same standard, if at all.
A study by Ultimate Software found that a staggering 92% of employees found technology helps them to do their job more efficiently and as such, improves their workplace satisfaction.
Some of the retail management system’s features can allow your staff to automate processes that would have perhaps otherwise been duplicated or conflicted with other tasks needed to be done.
There’s nothing better than having a workforce that is productive for the majority of their working hours. Putting a management system in place can help aid that productivity further.
Real-Time Monitoring
One of the challenges that can come from running a retail business is that you’re not always going to be around or your managers and supervisors might be otherwise engaged.
With that being said, it’s hard to keep an eye on everything that’s going on within your retail business.
With the right management system in place, some of the best features are real-time monitoring whether that’s a live view of sales being made by specific employees to real-time stock levels.
Having access to this kind of data can be critical when making important decisions that might affect the business financially.
This is particularly so for inventory management and having a retailPOS can help ensure stock levels are catering to the demand at all times.
Real-time monitoring can not only help positive decision-making but can also help resolve issues that arise as they happen.
This will likely help keep other issues from occurring and it can spot weak points or vulnerabilities that need addressing.
Better Communication across Workforce
With retail, there’s not often the ability to bring the workforce together all in one place. So with that said, having a management system can help with communication, regardless of whether one person is on the shop floor to someone in the head office.
There are major benefits to better communication within the workplace and with 57% of employees reporting they’re not given clear directions, it’s obvious more communication is necessary. With improved communications:
- Fewer mistakes are made.
- Harmony in the operations of your business.
- Workplace satisfaction.
Communication not only helps employee productivity but it’s likely going to help with a customer’s experience of the business too. With a good retail management system in place, there are many features that can ensure staff is communicating effectively, regardless of where they are or what time of day they might be on the system itself.
Up-Selling and Cross-Selling
As a retail business, up-selling and cross-selling can be effective ways to help sell more and widen your profit margins.
When customers are spending money via your business, there’s always a bit of wiggle room that may warrant them spending more.
A lot of the time, there may be products that match or are similar to what product they’re buying. Your staff can provide that opportunity to up-sell or cross-sell whilst the customer is in the store.
Alternatively, if you’re operating a retail business online or as well as on physical premises, then you can always install pop-up or drop-down functions that show the customer similar items or items bought by customers who put that product in their basket.
A retail management system can help provide the information you need when it comes to finding products that are regularly bought together.
It allows you to then create the relevant promotions and integrations needed to show other customers what’s popular and what is often bought together.
Easier Training and Onboarding for Staff
Training staff can be a problem area for many businesses, especially when go2HR found that 40% of employees with poor training will end up leaving a company within the first year.
To help reduce staff turnover rates, particularly in retail, and to ensure the customer experience isn’t affected, training is essential.
A retail management system that’s used across the workforce can help make training and onboarding processes a lot easier.
As it’s already been mentioned about these systems streamlining work processes, training will be less hassle for those in managerial positions that are responsible for rolling out the training.
Having a workforce that operates on the same page and that has the knowledge to excel in their job, is priceless to have as a company.
Helpful to Integrate Other Systems and Tools
When it comes to these management systems, a lot of them have the ability to integrate other systems and tools that you might be already using.
The fewer platforms or software that you have up at any one time will help with overall productivity so a system that allows you to access your existing tools or software through one platform is useful.
It also gives the business the opportunity for expansion onto new channels or to new physical locations depending on how the business operates.
Access to Useful Data
Data is a powerful thing and the biggest benefit of having a retail management system in place is the data it provides. It eliminates any issues or mistakes that are often made when it comes to ordering stock and managing inventory.
This data can also be useful in understanding the need for new hires and whether further training might be needed for some employees.
Sales data can be essential in order to spot the potential for further sales, whilst also highlighting the products that might not be as popular. The more data you can have for any business, the better it will be in helping all areas of your retail company.
As found by the tech jury, 97% of organizations are investing in big data and AI, so it’s important to utilize your own data where available.
A retail management system is a must-have for all retail businesses because technology can do so much more than what humans are capable of doing.
Yes, you still need humans to help operate the technology at hand but it can do so much in helping streamline processes and to garner more success for the business overall.
The bottom line is that your business needs a retail management system in this modern-day world.
Freelance writer for many clients including Skale, Natalie has two years of copywriting experience. Natalie has a wide range of experience copywriting web pages for businesses across many industries. She’s also an owner of two blog websites and a Youtube content creator.
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