Are you considering a career change? Want to find a high-income, reliable way of making money that lets you decide your income, hours, and workdays? Worried that you might not be earning the best income for the time you invest?
Is Becoming an Annuity Broker Right for You? 6 Key Benefits of Selling Annuities
Well, if you’re looking to drop that dead-end job and get into a new career, selling annuities might be for you. Check out these benefits and tips to jumpstart your new life!
Getting Licensed Is Painless
One of the best parts of how to sell annuities is how easy it is to break into the market. But not everyone knows how to become an annuity broker. The first tip is this: get yourself a life insurance license.
Life insurance is one of the biggest and most competitive markets out there. If you’re willing to put the work in, you can make an incredible and sustainable income.
There are also tons of tips and tricks on selling annuities online.
Just head on down to your local pre-licensing course and fulfill those educational requirements. This process doesn’t take long and is mostly just catching up on basics.
After that, you can sit for your state of residency’s licensing exam.
You’re Guaranteed a Job
Just because the market is competitive doesn’t mean companies aren’t searching for employees. In fact, Life insurance companies are always looking for qualified agents – and sometimes even unqualified ones!
Yes, that’s right; you can apply for these jobs without the qualification. Why?
Because many companies are willing to invest in you— even so far as to pay for the costs of licensing and supply a temporary wage while you pursue your license.
Selling Annuities Pays Well
Most places hiring annuities brokers offer a percentage commission-based pay. The more you sell, the more you earn. And considering the amount of money that these policies encompass, that percent is often a reasonably large sum of money.
This system might seem challenging at first, but it is rewarding. And there will always be a way for you to earn what you want. You could earn as much as a 10% commission on the more complex annuities, with a base minimum usually about 4%.
You Decide How Much You Work
Selling annuities for a company is a bit like freelancing, with the added benefit of guaranteed work.
Once you have your license and apply to a company, you decide how you want to work for that company. Many companies offer part-time or flexible hours, and since the best time for sales isn’t fixed, you can choose how you work.
You’re Helping People Invest in Their Future
One of the biggest mistakes people make is not planning for the inevitable.
You never know what’s going to happen, and annuities are a good way to prepare yourself against an eventual loss or reduction of wages. When a client puts 100000 dollars in annuities, they get 100000 out when they need it.
You Can Work Anywhere
Once you have the education for your license, it’s easy to move around. Each state has its own laws and practices, but it’s pretty easy to get one for another state once you have a license.
Or all of them. You can apply online for a non-resident permit or sit the residential permit exam if you decide to move.
Let Us Help You
It can be daunting to change careers, especially into one as competitive and challenging as selling annuities. If you’re not sure how to start, check out our website.
Feel free to check out our blog as well! We’re here to help!
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