Raising a child is a precious job, it requires a lot of hard work and patience. New parents often face one big question, “Am I raising the first born right or not?”.
Parents in the past sought expert help from their family and friends. However the modern parents have wide range of options to seek expert advice from. There are many online sources dedicated solely to imparting quality parenthood information to parents, however reading long lines is not a convenient option for everyone!
Babystep.tv is unlike other parenting websites and cares most about your precious time. The website provides effective parenthood information in less time, while making sure that it works. The striking feature of this online source is its 1 min videos, which offer visual parenting information to the viewers.
Videos have become the preferred means of learning, therefore babystep.tv offers the short videos on almost all questions related to parenthood.
Babystep.tv’s 1 min. videos have higher viewer retention and sharing rates on average than other videos, because everyone loves short and to the point information.
Videos can be accessed by parents in 8 different languages via mobile app, website, on youtube and through dozens of partner channels.
Babystep.tv in Their Own Words:
Babystep.tv is easiest way to receive parenting advice. We help parents by offering clear, practical advice to parents in 1-minute parenting videos. Our experts and video production team in Los Angeles have produced 1,000 videos based on decades of research into child development and parenting locked away in tens of thousands of books and long lectures.
What brings Babystep.tv to the Spotlight:
1 minute videos are the highlight of Babystep.tv. Parents in a minute’s video get clear and practical information on everything from sleeping to choosing clothing.
Babystep.tv website: https://babystep.tv