A common misconception from consumers is the importance of internet speed on productivity both at home and work. Investing in the right Internet speed is quite important for how quickly your websites can load as well as how you can stream music and movies you want to enjoy. That said, it is important to not overpay for your internet service.
In order to learn more about how fast your internet speed needs to be, consider the points below:
PS: You can also check your current internet speed at speedcheck.org
What is Bandwidth?
Bandwidth is essentially a measurement of the highest rate you can download data from the Internet to your computer. The idea is to have as much bandwidth as possible in order to be download everything that you want from the Internet.
When trying to measure how much bandwidth you really need, it is important to understand that bits per second is how bandwidth is calculated. The basic calculation is 1 MB is equal to 8 megabits.
Bandwidth significantly determines the quality of internet you are using at home or office and it’s always good to know all about it. Internet Advisor has a much detailed explanation of internet bandwidth detail.
How Much Bandwidth Do You Need to Complete Your Necessary Activities?
If you are working with a provider such as sudden link, you need to know what you use the Internet for daily in order to calculate what of the 1 MB equals 8 megabits you need to have fast downloads from the Internet. Remember that bandwidth stretches to many different members in your household.
If your business requires skimming through a lot of video content, or you have a family member who loves listening to music, and another downloading video games, you have to account for each person’s individual uses in your calculations. These calculations apply to small businesses as well as individual’s homes and public places such as airports. For example, 2-4 mbps is sufficient for web surfing or checking email.
A jump to 4-6 mbps will be required to have web surfing, streaming a high-definition video or evening downloading videos as long as 20 minutes. 6-10 mbps usually is best for streaming high definition videos. 20+ mbps is for individuals that want to run many applications at once. For example, companies may want to invest in a 20+ mbps plan.
Remember, that the plan you opt for will have a major impact on efficiency due to lack of lag time for the speed of Internet downloads.
Final Remarks
Internet speeds are very important. In fact, they can make an incredible impact on workplace productivity as well as in all aspects of your life. That said, you have to realistically assess how often you actually use the Internet and what you use it for. For example, if you or your employees watch a lot of video content and download many applications, then you are going to need a higher speed.
Additionally, if you have many different people using your network, you will also have to invest in a faster Internet speed. Be sure to shop around with many different providers in order to find the best Internet speed package that suits your exact needs. This way, you will be able to get the best possible value for your money and have faster Internet for many days to come.