Despite the hype of social media, search engine optimization and a lot of other digital marketing methods, some old school techniques are still more effective than the newer trends. And Email newsletters are one such easiest and very low-cost way to reach out to your customers.
However, to make most out of this method, the newsletters have to be convincing and trustable and only then they can attract the customers.
Newsletter marketing is so diverse that there can be tens of books on the anatomy of a successful newsletter and the dynamics of the technique, however, this article will discuss a few simple tips to make an awesome newsletter.
You may not find all the tips usable in a single newsletter, but certainly, you can make different newsletters equally effective with these quick tips.
1- Avoid “A message from…” statement in the beginning– Whether it is the president or the CEO or the head of marketing leave it there. It may be tempting to you, but you should still stick with your most informative and highly relevant content in the highlight. Customers are not interested to see letters from the editor. That’s a good reason enough to avoid the above.
2- The introduction should make an impact– You would not be interested in buying a newspaper if it was just information in plain words without any pictures or headlines. In the same way, online readers do not want to get into the details if they do not find the beginning interesting. Create impact right in the first lines, either with an interesting fact, a call to action, or inducing urgency!
3- Stay away from sale hype– The newsletter is supposed to be informative and not only about advertisements and exclamation points. If the content of the newsletter is written well, the consumers will not need to be told about your products and services. They will look for them on their own. If done correctly your newsletter can actually become a great marketing weapon that can spread through your subscriber list to many other people.
4- Write in third person– All the story should be written as a third person observer. However, this may not be applicable at all times. For example, if you are someone who is a motivational speaker or have personal success stories to share it would seem to speak about yourself in the third person. You need to evaluate this based on your current business model.
5- Write in a conversational tone– Your content should be interactive in order to get the reader involved. You should talk to the customers and not at them. Don’t use big fancy words when smaller words are enough to give your message. It is an informal way of communicating and you may get a response if you treat it in this way. This is not the time for the hard sell.
6- Avoid technical jargon-Don’t think that your customers know all the complex abbreviations and what they stand for. You don’t require to get into big hard industrial terms even if it’s necessary at times. Try to keep it simple. Keep your stories on an even, easily understood level by your audience.
7- Proofread- Your newsletter is a reflection of your company, its quality service, and people. Get your content proofread by several people so that you have the views of several people. A check on spellings and grammar is very important.
8- Choose your newsletters name– Your newsletter needs a name. You need to be creative while choosing a name for your newsletter. Some companies stick to the same name as their company but a good heading would improve your marketability.
Some other small tips that can be of great help include:
- Employees from different fields should be allowed to participate and let them write content of their area of expertise. This would give the newsletter a bigger feel so that the consumers get a variety of writing styles and opinions.
- Assemble a team of employees to oversee the newsletter creation process. Every employee of the team should proof read the content so the chances of mistakes are reduced. It will also be helpful in improving the newsletter’s overall quality.
- If you or your employees are unable to write the content of your newsletter. Seek help!! Get in touch with experienced writers at and they should give you the best newsletters for your company.
- Newsletter of other companies should also be studied to get better ideas to create one for your own business, so do not forget to subscribe to your competitor’s newsletter.