Exhibitions are usually very costly affairs for most businesses. It is therefore very frustrating when your stand attracts very minimal traffic. Even the most attractive looking exhibition stands sometimes fail to attract enough traffic. Apart from attracting an audience, you also want to ensure that the experience will leave a lasting impression on the public. Here are a couple of things you can apply when setting up your exhibition stand to make it stand out from the crowd:
Tell people beforehand
Carry out some online campaign about the exhibition and let people know that you will be having a stand at the event. Look for forums where you can easily access your target market and inform them to look out for your stand. As they come to the exhibition, they will have a subconscious intention to visit your stand. Naturally, a stand that has many visitors will create curiosity amongst passersby.
Visual appeal
You cannot under-estimate the power of an attractive stand. Ultimately, even if you have the best business and representatives at the event, if your stand looks poor – nobody will want to come and speak to you. Look into creating modular exhibition stands which offer a much more unique and creative experience for audiences. This is due to their unique and quality structure along with the option of adding backlit graphics and alternate technology.
Having competitions at your exhibition stand is not a new idea, however, it is one that has always proven to work. You should come up with creative games that suit the brand you are marketing at your stand. Include attractive prizes that participants can win when they play, for instance vouchers for your company. This is not only a great way to entice people to your stand, but it will also help to make you much more memorable.
Demonstrations are the perfect opportunity to showcase what your business has to offer. People are less likely to invest their time and money in something that they can’t physically see, so don’t show up empty handed. It’s also vital that you have a charismatic and confident demonstrator to draw people in.
Setting up a photo booth
Set up a free photo booth in your stand. Encourage delegates to take a free photo and be sure to have your logo printed on the picture. This way, if they share the image around with their friends, your brand will start to become increasingly recognised and marketed. Photo booths are rarely used by exhibitors, so if you’re one of the only ones to have one at the event, audiences will be increasingly attracted to you.
Relevant giveaways
Giveaways can be as extravagant or as simple as you wish. Some companies favor investing in branded merchandise, such as USB sticks and mugs, whereas others like to giveaway company vouchers. Many items often get discarded as soon as the event is over, so be sure to give away something that your audience will be able to utilise.
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Free wi-fi and coffee
If your booth is big enough, you can create some space to allow attendees to enjoy free coffee and wi-fi. One of the ways you can market your brand is by requesting for their contact information before giving them access to the wi-fi. If they agree to some terms and conditions before signing up, you can then use their details for a mailing list and keep them up to date with your business.
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Thanks to the developments in technology, exhibitors can now become even more creative when showcasing their brand. Set up projectors, use iPads rather than pen and paper and if your budget is big enough, you could even implement some form of virtual reality.
If you desperately don’t wish to get lost in the crowd and are wanting to attract as much attention as possible, try implementing some of the above ideas at your next exhibition.