eCommerce startups are popping up all over the internet due to the shear opportunities the industry has to offer. The competition is fierce in some niches of products as profit margins can be immense.
Driving sales needs to be done in the right way as doing things like using blackhat SEO to rank products can ultimately hurt the business. Organic growth needs to happen and luckily there are plenty of things that can be done to help foster that growth.
The small details can make a huge difference when they are added up in terms of closing an extra few sales per day or even an hour. This article will discuss the five major areas to focus on to drive sales to the next level at your eCommerce startup.
1- The Products’ Arrangement on a Webpage is Very Important
The website is going to be the most important aspect of an eCommerce business besides the pricing/products that are selected. The search process should be simple and accurate which can drive sales as can the way the products are arranged on particular pages. Product merchandising refers to the order and display of products that are on a particular sales page on an eCommerce website.
The tools available to eCommerce businesses are based out of machine learning (Artificial Intelligence) as well as data. Product recommendations being correct and relevant should also be done as pairing products together can help increase the revenue from a single customer.
2- Consider Dropshipping
of Products in High Demand
Even if you are the producer of most of the items on your web store, you can always add a few highly demanded products from someone else trough dropshipping. Just make sure, the items are not easily available to your customers otherwise.
Being the wholesaler of a product can allow a company to take the dropshipping route to allow others to do the marketing for your products. This does not ramp up online sales but does increase overall product sales which are equally as important.
Partnering with the right type of drop shipping professionals is essential as the company does not want to be associated with those that might market in unethical ways. Dropshipping is an option for an eCommerce business even if it does not produce the product. Being able to partner with wholesalers can allow a business to carry a plethora of products without worrying about having physical inventory as the wholesaler handles shipping.
3- Partner with
Influencers to Drive Sales on Certain Products
Influencer marketing is becoming as popular as ever as certain influencers have quite a bit of sway with their followers. Finding out the ROI on different campaigns needs to be done and successful influencers will have no problem showing the results they have garnered for partners.
Some platforms can help connect influencers with brands that need a boost in their digital marketing. These platforms do show prices for specific posts as well as previous results the influencer has gotten. Picking an influencer that aligns with the brand’s values is important as a vegan-based eCommerce business might not want to partner with a person known to hunt excessively.
4- Targeted Digital
Marketing Should be the Focus
The competitive nature of eCommerce with the immense amount of feedback data gives companies has made digital marketing essential. The process of ranking a website for terms to do with products is going to take time as well as a targeted strategy.
Content creation is going to be a huge part of this whether it is for the company blog, social media accounts, or for relevant publications. Link building by putting backlinks on sites related to what is being sold can help a website climb the search engine rankings. This will result in more organic traffic which in turn results in more sales from this organic traffic. Different forms of content should be used as people are beginning to embrace content like that of the podcast.
The ability to go in-depth on a topic whether it is the best fishing line for an outdoor equipment-based eCommerce business or tech specs for a business that sells tech-based items.
5- Checkout Process
Should be Simple yet Highly Secure
The juggernauts in the eCommerce world understand the importance of increasing the percentage of traffic that results in purchases. Even a small increase in percent in traffic can mean thousands of additional products sold which impacts the profitability of the business at the end of the year.
The checkout process should be as simple as possible with autofill capabilities that can help decrease the number of sales stuck in the funnel. Enticing those that have left products in their shopping carts by offering targeted discounts on products in their carts can be just enough to convince them to complete the transaction. Security also has to be paramount as a hack of the checkout process could lead to a plethora of customer payment information being leaked.
Wrapping it up!
sales and scaling sales up consistently will show huge improvements long-term.
The staff at the eCommerce company needs to take the time to assess where they
can improve even slightly as every sale counts.