We all make mistakes and learn from them, but being a startup owner it’s not necessary to commit a mistake for learning purpose. Learning from others’ mistakes could be a wise idea.
It’s tough for any startup to stand out in today’s extremely competitive business environment. The short attention spans and the audience being highly critical, every bit of startup marketing strategy and materials must undergo several quality checks.
A startup website is the first and most important element of any marketing strategy because it’s your website where the potential customers and clients will come and you have to make sure that they keep coming back. However, there are some common startup website mistakes which you must avoid to get maximum out of your marketing campaigns.
1- Some startup guys think that having just everything will get the things done, and so they forget user experience. As a result the website is difficult to navigate and you end up with high bounce rate, less leads, few sales and finally poor revenues.
2- In connection with the first mistake, the complex website is very difficult to update and you end up with outdated stuff on the site.
Solution: A structured website is the only solution for above two problems. Devise a document and list all what your website should have. Filter the most important content and place it on the most visible locations. Having a proper content management system can better solve this problem.
3- Some people make a very good website but keep it stand alone. As a result, you miss the leverage you can have through organic search and social media.
Solution: Taking care of some basic Search Engine guidelines and connecting social media with your website gives it 500 times more exposure than it had being standalone.
4- Some people are very subjective and so want to have details of everything in the form of too much of text. Honestly, no one has time to read a thousand words on your “About Us” page.
Solution: Be to-the-point and use non text media to make your website more interactive. Use videos, presentations and other media to showcase your image.
5- Unlike the people I discussed above, some people do not like too much of details and this is how they ignore having a company blog. Or else, they have a company blog they don’t bother running it properly.
Solution: Have an organized company blog that serves not just as a blog, but helps you build a brand. Keep your website clean with highly important things and the pitch, but have everything in detail on your blog, i.e. detailed answers of most common queries, company news, product updates, promotions, customers’ point of view and just everything that is related to your business.
Related Readings:
Benefits of Blogging for Small Business
7 Business Goals You Must Set Before Developing a Company Blog
3 Ways to Publish Highest Quality Blog Content for Free
If you are a startup guy and you really care about your business, make sure your business website is free from these five issues.