The emergence of the Internet changed the way we live our lives and today, every company must have a strong online presence in order to compete. If you are about to launch a new enterprise and are still in the drawing board stages, the company website will figure high on your priority list and unless you happen to be a web developer, you are going to need some help.
Commercial Web Development
If you have a limited budget, your search for the best cheap website builder for small business start-ups should begin with a Google search and this will ensure that your products or services are presented in the best possible light. Web design need not be an expensive part of your start up and there are online web building applications that empower the ordinary person to create stunning websites.
Here is a list of pages you should include in any business website design.
1- Home Page – The virtual reception for your business, your home page, should represent who you are and what you do. A combination of the right colours and menus will ensure that site visitors can easily navigate and once a user has landed on the home page, they can then decide which page they wish to view.
2- About Us Page – This gives the visitor an insight into the people behind the concept and most new visitors will check out the “About Us” page before looking any further. This might include the personal bios of key employees accompanied by suitable images, as people do like to be able to put a face to a name. You should mention how the company came about and outline your business activities, which will help users to identify with the company.
3- Contact Us – Perhaps the most important of all, your contact page gives users essential contact information and this should include phone numbers, email addresses and most companies add a message form. It might help if you add a Google Map to help people find you should they wish to pay you a visit.
4- Product Pages – Each product line should have its own separate page and menus should clearly indicate this and with high resolution images and quality written content, you can showcase your products or services in a dynamic and engaging way.
5- Blog Section – Having a page that is dedicated to industry related articles will provide site visitors with informative and engaging blogs about all aspects of your specific industry. Certain keywords can be linked to your product pages (where appropriate) and by adding to this growing collection of articles, you are doing what you can to provide up to date product information for your customers.
Website design is critical and there are online web development applications with many design templates that can help you to achieve the right results at an affordable cost. It is always wise to spend some time thinking about your overall web design, using the right colours to create a brand that your customers will identify with and posting informative articles on every aspect of your industry will provide potential customers with up to date information.