The dream of a mobile workforce is one that is now a reality and many startups and small businesses are finding huge benefits from its implementation. So, we thought we’d take a closer look and showcase some of the best.
What Makes A Mobile Workforce Great? Here it goes:
1- Mobile Workforces Mean Lower Overheads
By applying the latest principles of mobile collaboration, you can minimize the impact of geographic spread and cut down your overall operating costs. You can make your existing team far more efficient by employing SharePoint or a hosted exchange in combination with Office365.
Allowing more of your team members to work from home also cuts down on the amount of physical infrastructure (including real floor space) required to operate your business. Even if the primary focus of your business requires dedicated space — like manufacturing — you can still use an implementation of mobile principles to cut down on your costs. It’s important to keep in mind that your staff needs to be trained properly to make proper use of mobile platforms and tools, though!
2- Security Is Stronger Than Ever
When cloud computing first entered the commercial world a few years ago, security concerns were ample and well-justified. Tremendous strides have been made in this area, though. Today’s commercial networks are more secure than ever before, and you can easily set up systems that allow your employees to make productive contributions from virtually anywhere.
All data flowing between mobile devices and your company’s servers is protected by strong encryption. Cloud-based security features also mean that the risk posed by equipment theft is minimal; if your company’s devices are stolen they can be wiped remotely. The possibility of human error is recognized in modern security systems and accounted for.
3- The Right Tools Make Work Easier For Employees
Apps and software build from the ground up for mobile working are designed to minimize employees’ workload while maximizing productivity. In the same way that your phone is now a terrific tool for managing your personal life, mobile workforce solutions allow you and your team to get a better handle on your working responsibilities. Check out this company to see some of the amazing tools
When implemented properly, a mobile workforce setup offers the following advantages:
* Web-Based Central Management — This tracks core data such as policies, procedures, inventory, and more. Everyone in your organization has immediate access to vital information.
* Cross-Device Compatibility — When designed properly, mobile working apps seamlessly carry information and work from platform to platform: from PC to tablet to phone.
* Comprehensive Security — Security protection is built into all software from the ground up and further supported by full-time security professionals monitoring activity.
* Customer Service — The CS team is integrated into the company’s mobile network, with full-time access to all the information they need to resolve customer issues.
4- Mobile Workforces Boost Morale
Modern employees appreciate flexibility in their working arrangements more than ever before. Mobile working options allow them to better manage the balance between professional responsibilities and other obligations, and they are bound to appreciate companies that give them these opportunities.
Mobile options also cut down on time lost to absences and make team members more productive when they are on the job. A mobile work setup is also an attractive feature that encourages employees to remain loyal.
5- Crossing Vast Distances
There has always been tremendous potential in the idea of spreading your workforce out across the globe, but the concept has also come with certain limitations and inefficiencies. A modern mobile workforce is far less constrained by geographic separation than earlier business models, though. With secure, reliable VPN connections linking distant offices, it’s easier than ever before to collaborate with partners around the globe.
This is an opportunity that more and more businesses are taking advantage of, and the ability to forge productive teams out of far-flung individuals will be an integral part of the modern commercial landscape. The tools that make this sort of long-distance collaboration possible are now accessible to businesses of any size, not just corporate behemoths.