Have you ever thought about how you arrange your workspace? It’s something simple but most of us have probably never actually given it that much thought amongst all the other tasks we have to do in today’s busy life.
We have to spend more time at work than ever and even have to answer emails when we come home from work.
But in these unprecedented times when most of us are now working from home, this is the time and the place to come up with some great desk organization ideas.
Here’s everything you need to know about how to organize your desk at work.
1- Open Plan
One way to make yourself feel less flustered is having an open plan workspace. This can make you feel free and less trapped. When you sit in a tiny room with little ventilation it can make you feel as if you are boxed in and a slave to the screen.
Instead, an open-plan office can feel spacious and comfortable.
Ask your employer if you can move into a larger room if possible. If you are working at home for the foreseeable future then try to see if you can move your workspace to the largest room in the house.
Ensure that there is lots of natural light—the room should be facing the sun and should be on the side of the house or building where the sun rises. This way, you’ll start work early in the morning with the morning glow of the sun making you feel at once more productive.
Types of Space
Try to keep your room tidy and to have multiple workspaces within. You can have a formal desk that you always keep tidy. But you could also have a sofa area for you to go to relax and think.
You could even have a bean bag area to slouch into during tricky periods of your work or at the end of the day.
There is also the possibility of having a standing desk for ultimate production so that you can’t sit down and feel too relaxed.
2. Organized Computer
There’s no point in having a comfortable workspace if your computer itself is a mess. You need to make sure your computer is just as organized as your workspace.
If you have a tendency to store files and screenshots to the desktop then be sure to send these to the trash bin every now and again to ensure the first thing you see when you open your computer in the morning isn’t tons of junk.
Always clear out your emails. Don’t leave them to stack up so that you have hundreds or even thousands in your unread tray. Try and deal with them once or twice a day.
Your filing system should also be easy to use. Store everything in the cloud and pay for extra storage if necessary to ensure you never lose a file. If you are using Mac OS—maybe you just bought the new MacBook Pro 16 inch—then be sure to make use of the color-coded tags feature that are available.
3. Digital Only
One big shift that can make your workspace less cluttered is to go digital-only. This means throwing out all of your receipts and storing them on a digital banking app instead. Using a mobile payment platform like Apple Pay can help with this.
Trade-in any heavy books you have—particularly reference books—for digital books by purchasing a Kindle or other e-reader. These can make your life more productive as well as since you can search for the phrases or parts of the book you want rather than having to flick through all of the pages.
Be sure to digitalize all of your files and encrypt them. this is safer than storing them on-site and in a drawer. In drawers, you can lose them and there’s a possibility they could all be lost if there was a fire.
If you need to get rid of a document then be sure to check out this guide to disposing of sensitive documents.
Of course, you do have to take online security seriously but this is arguably less of a risk than storing all of your files in physical format.
Doing all of these things at once can reduce the excess waste and clutter that you might find in your workspace. This is one of the best desk organization tips anyone will ever give you.
There Are so Many Desk Organization Ideas
If you are thinking about how to organize your desk at work then be sure to properly think through your strategy before you begin. With the coronavirus pandemic affecting us all, the chances are you will be working from home for longer now.
Clearing out your desk is not just about making sure your room is spotless it’s also about a mindset and putting in place a system to keep it orderly and tidy. Be sure to clear out any unnecessary paperwork and books and do your work entirely online so you are surrounded by empty space.
Try to make your room as open-plan as possible with as much possible natural light so you don’t feel like you are trapped.
Also, make sure your computer itself is as organized as your room so when you login to do some work you don’t feel overwhelmed by a complex and unmanageable filing system.