Whether you are an entrepreneur working alone or you have a marketing department to take care of your small business brand, marketing is always a big challenge for small businesses.
Low budget and limited human resources is the story of almost every other small business, but that should not be an excuse, especially when so much free guidance is readily available on internet.
Remember, a great marketing plan starts with a great strategy and to develop a great marketing strategy you must have an in-depth understanding your options.
Being a regular reader can make a great difference, and you can become a great marketing strategist for your own venture, despite having no prior exposure to marketing activities. On the other hand, marketers like me who are working in the field for years, if do not stay updated, they are good for nothing.
So, reading is a MUST, whether you are a newbie to the marketing world or an expert with years of hands on experience.
Reading is a great help, but only reading authentic…. If it’s not authentic, it’s useless!
This is why I felt the need of sharing my list of authentic marketing blogs with entrepreneurs and marketers.
It’s literally hard for me to rank these marketing blogs as number one or number two, because all of them have something unique that makes each of them stand out among all. So, I am listing them randomly.
1- Search Engine Land
2- Moz
3- Search Engine Watch
4- Social Media Examiner
5- Content Marketing Institute
6- Hubspot
7- Marketing Profs
8- Marketing Land
9- Search Engine Journal
10- The Daily Egg
11- The Next Web
12- SEO Book
13- Reel SEO
14- Top Rank
15- Social Media Explorer
16- Neil Patel
17- Wordtracker
18- WordStream
19- Copyblogger
20- Search Engine Roundtable
21- Unbounce
22- Econsultancy
23- KissMetrics
24- Marketing Pilgrim
25- Dejan Marketing
26- Buffer Social
27- Contently
28- Social Triggers
29- Social Media Today
I am sure, my list of the best marketing blogs should help every small business owner having hard time with marketing. You can use some apps to subscribe to these blogs and stay updated.
Start today and in a week’s time you should observe how they are boosting your marketing knowledge. Low budget is no more an issue when you are investing time to understand the right way to market your business.