There’s more to running a business than just opening up shop. For starters, you are responsible for every action or decision you take. This is unlike the community-based organization or non-profit organizations with a board of directors. The consequences of making the wrong decision can be disastrous to the business.
Every decision has to be cross-examined before it can be executed to avoid silly mistakes while running a business. Implementing everything properly and giving your customers and target audiences value for their time and money is the key to building a good reputation. The same applies to event marketing for business.
Discussed below are 12 tips to help you succeed with business events.
Stage One: Event Planning
1- Know what your goals are
Everything happens for a reason. This is why you need to have a clear idea of what your goals are, and how the business will benefit from the same. The main purpose of the event could be to make your brand known, introduce a new product, increase marketing channels and connections, etc. It’s only upon establishing the primary goal that the event can be geared around that.
2- Be realistic
While it’s ok to want your business to grow fast, or even wish for millions in attendance, you need to make sensible conclusions and expectations. Have every goal and ideal listed, then work on the most pressing one.
Identify goals that can be accomplished using the little money or time you have. Knowing what your budget is, and how much you can achieve with the same, can easily help you achieve your goals. Adjust your expectations accordingly.
3- Think of the tone/mood
Take some time to think about the tone to set during the event. Let the main goal/purpose of the event help you choose the right mood. For instance, an all-business event will be different from when introducing a product to your audience or for networking. The purpose will also help you choose the right location, uniforms, staffs, decorations, and even drinks if needed. Get this right, and everything will fall into place.
If the event is all about networking, you then don%u2019t need to push brand advertisements too far. You can however use your business logos if it a casual event. In other words, the tone should blend well with the goal or purpose.
Stage Two: Budgeting
4- Set the minimum budget possible
Set a budget that best fits your goal. Take everything into consideration when setting the budget. You also need to be careful not to overspend on just one event. Essential events may however need a much higher budget when compared to non-essential events. Know the essentials required to make the event possible as well.
5- Know the essentials
Holding the event in a fancy building or hotel doesn’t necessarily mean it will be successful. Nevertheless, using an old building, or even going outdoors, but decorating it to look fancier and more practical can turn things around.
Never spend too much money just because you want to hold the event in a fancy restaurant. Go for what’s essential and practical at that moment. Make sure you have the basics down, so good lighting and sound hire, and all the other basics needed for a good show.
6- Consider sponsorships
Getting someone sponsor your event can save you good money in the process. Some sponsors will be willing to fund everything, while some will support just a part of it. Having sponsors onboard can give your brand a boost especially where legitimacy may be a concern.
Have some partners participate in the same, or even seek sponsorships from willing companies or individuals. Getting a larger brand sponsor the event will be a big boost too.
Stage Three: Promotions
7- Go with your target audiences first
Start by inviting your target audiences first. This should make achieving your goals much easier. Don%u2019t just sent out email invitations to everyone your mailing list. Knowing who your target audiences are should help greatly when sending out invitations. Know how many people the location can accommodate when sending out requests.
8- Use the social media
Use the social media platforms to reach out to target audiences and even potential clients. The social media makes it possible to spread the word fast and efficiently without spending much time or money. You however need to be creative to get the right attention, visibility, and shares on the same. Mix up videos, photos, or a podcast in the message when promoting the event on these platforms.
9- Have participants register online
While encouraging people to show up for the event is one way to promote your event, having interested persons register online for the same would be more fun. Having a ticketing service or an online registration service running to make it trustworthy and authentic.
Stage Four: The D-day
10- Have enough staffs
Running an event all by yourself isn’t a good idea. Instead, have enough staffs ready to welcome, brief, or even get audiences busy as well. It’s by keeping the attendees engaged that they will show more interest, and possibly show up for another event. You can also have trained volunteers help you with the audience.
11- Watch the mood
Are people paying attention to what’s going on, are they talking, or is it just gloomy? Keeping an eye on everyone’s moods can give you an idea of what to do to make it fun and enjoyable.
Engaging the people can help them show some interest in what you have to offer. For instance photo booths can drastically improve the engagement level in your event. Make necessary adjustments to suit the current mood as well.
12- Get involved
Every event organizer needs to be actively involved in everything going on during the event. Help to hand out food, be at the front desk, or engage visitors in other ways just to get the event going. As long as people see you getting things done, they will most definitely help out or even stay longer than they probably would have.
If you are reading this last line, I am sure, by now, you have a clear idea of how to make your next small business event a big success!